是否进口:否 | 产地:宁波市 | 品牌:YS |
专利:否 | 材质:塑料 | 贸易属性:内贸+外贸 |
颜色:黑色、 咖啡色、 白色、 黄色、 红色、 蓝色、 绿色、 紫色、 金色、 橙色 | 规格:8.5*11.5厘米 |
可水洗 粘毛贴在正确使用的情况下,通常对身体没有危害。可水洗硅胶粘毛器一般多为手工制品,对人体皮肤不会造成刺激。而且它由可水洗材料制成,不会藏污纳垢,易于清洗,因此在使用时不会对身体健康造成危害。
Washable hair stickers are usually not harmful to the body when used correctly. Washable silicone hair stickers are generally handmade and do not cause irritation to human skin. Moreover, it is made of washable materials that do not contain dirt and are easy to clean, so it will not pose a threat to physical health when used.
It can easily remove various debris and dust. Using environmentally friendly materials to make your home cleaner and healthier.